August 30, 2010

Jesse Samuel.. here's for u!

I don’t even believe that am doing this. Writing a blog post about my best and choicest enemy! I mean seriously! U know, hes the ‘what-would-i-do-without him’ kinda enemy ! who constantly shocks me with his level of meaness! Being a ‘science-man’ has screwed up his head and he just can never get well on his own! He often surprises me with his past encounters but still claims that am his best friend! I mean talk about being burdened! And btw, he makes it a point to fight with me atleast twice a day! Atleast! And if not in person, mostly thru sms! How much worse can enemies really get! And hes jealous too.. of all my friends and my acknowledgement of their friendship!
But hes also always, mind you, ALWAYS a partner in every crime that i may even think of! Hes always supporting me through the thick and thin of this life of mine, always has a shoulder ready for my crying times and laughs at me for no reason whenever he can. He’s not my punching but pinching bag, and deserves all the praise for not making a ‘hue and cry’ about it! We are a regular sight for our sector locals, ambling away to the market, oblivious to the world, chatting and discussing our woes. And he obliges even if he is really tired! To escape the walking, he had even taught me how to drive a scooter..ho ho ho ! what times those were!
He’s really mean. He only bothers to remember my birthday bcz his deary dear mom and me share the same date. I don’t know what fascination he has with leather belts, that he’s gifted me two of them! And only wen i gave him this fab, creative handmade collage as a birthday gift(one in 3 years  that i remembered!!!!), that he took pains of making me this ‘super duper hit in my family’, much appreciated, and a wonderful wonderful scrapbook , for a birthday present!
He thinks he is some real intellectual (u know science man), that he has reserved the swings in front of our houses(we are neighbours cum family friends), for the intellectual discussions. He has helped me solve many a question papers there, sorted out loads of my troubles, helped me by just being there and often just lost his mind with mine! The various number of years age difference that we have, often vanishes, considering his,(maybe to some extent mine too) immaturity!:) and btw, we even had a common dog ‘bawn’, and my mischief (my dog) really loves him! But he’s strange (jesse Samuel i.e) for he finds talking to dogs as really strange, even though he would baby talk bawn all the time!
He is kind enough to treat me to dinners wen my parents are away, and seldom ever forgets to remind me that i owe him treats too! He minds a few things and keeps them damn close to his heart and chooses to disclose them after months and months have passed! All his past girlfriends are often a topic of concern for us, and even i have cried about some sad love tales to him!
This supposed friend of mine and me have this really weird friendship. We are sworn enemies, critics of each other, even then we have this real special bond of friendship that binds us together.  Frankly, i have no words to really define or even try to explain this friendship, maybe just.. what-would-i-really-do-without-u dear mr jess-a-mess!
And after a bout of crying and sharing some woes just 5 mins back.. just wanna tell u man.. ur the best! Thanks so much for everything! Even the ‘mature’ insights ...:) 

What makes me feel!

The breeze ruffled in my hair
The green grass,
The beautiful flowers
Sight of which will always awe
Sunsets that i saw
Birds that silence the stars
Doors, that i hate ajar.
Clothes that i hardly discard,
Smiles, that always reward,
Small things that leave me aghast!
Exceptional days, a  blast,
That one thing.. sigh! alas!

The God i love,
Who watches over me,
My own sense of creativity,
day dreams,
Some pain, some empathy,
Lots of love,
Shared with plenty
My kids- my sensibility,
I am naturally contradictory,
Like the short lived flowers,
Lasting long in memory.

Even poetry, if it may so be called,
My people- my world,
The kid within me
Even as i grow old,
Certain secrets, which shall
Forever remain untold,
My hands- always cold,
Acc to my mum, am rather bold,
Laughter,  on which am sold,
Illusions, plenty i hold.
Life, that i intend to mould,
The distant look, in my eyes i behold,
Future that i would rather unfold,
Hearts-that i once stole.:)

Of the many more,
There could be a sea.
These are Just, a few things
 that make me feel like... me.

August 27, 2010

Would it?

Would life be this interesting
If it was not this complicated?
Without all the intermeshing,
Would there be reasons plenty,
To be elated?
Would an untangled life
Bring on many smiles?
Or would it leave a mark
Of mundane, monotonous
Routine with no spark?

Would life really be interesting
If it was not complicated?

August 24, 2010

My sanity keepers... and Amrita...

My friends almost always astound and overwhelm me. They fly over the land of logic, and still love me. Though am sure its an amazing experience for them. But am still surprised, probably because am not the most punctual of friends to remember their birthdays, anniversaries, etc. One misplaced or damaged phone, and am out of the circuit! Am not the regular caller, message sender, chatter kinds, am no where close to being on facebook too! Or maybe, am not as bad as some others!
So basically, my friends flabbergast me. Primarily because my pals have been mine since ages, since the awkward adolescent times! They are usually angry at me, but i just so love all of them! There is an extremely choicest of group i have, from school, college and neighbourly days! Almost all in weird diverse fields, think except mrit and me, all settled too! We are the ‘free lunchers’! but despite the differences and the distances, i always feel so connected to each of them! And i do wonder how!
I know they are always there for me, in their offices, labs, classrooms, academies  and even home! They all don’t like to live a life as boring as mine, and half of them can never get the hang of what am doing in life, more importantly, why! But they still do lovingly bear with me, laugh with me; at me; know my secrets before i tell them, and surround me with sanity and love all the time! Just knowing that they are there, somewhere!, is enough to calm my nerves.
My friends are the best people on this earth. And i cannot, but thank God for sending all His beautiful angels, just for me!
God bless them all.

And then of course, there is mrita.. don’t know if i should call her a friend or a sister, a sibling who wasn’t born to be mine, but over the years have undoubtedly taken that place for good.  We are citizens of different countries, wish to pursue different professions, have lived away and far from each other for more yrs than we lived in the same city, meet up maybe once in a year (but never on birthdays; and i mess up her birth date too!) and grow each day as different people than what we were once.
But, the best, and also the most surprising part is, that we have been each others support system, anchor, avowed critic and in simple words, best friends for all these many years. Even if that entailed long periods of absence (telephonically, physically, and even internetly), we stuck by! Thank God and touch wood!
Some 12 yrs back (i know! its really been that long!) we met each other, when i was this new student at our school. I had something to share and she seemed to have the most docile face to share ‘secrets’ with! Long incessant, parents troubling phone calls only followed in the following years. We strengthened our bond of friendship, seeing through the many (at that time) breakable and unbreakable moments. Cried, laughed, smuggled, lied, giggled, partied, didnot smoke or drink together! we knew without being told, finished each others sentences, talked through our looks, shared clothes, thoughts and experiences; even when we ended up being in different schools and sections!
She has been a patient victim to so many of my armature poems, has intruded on my letters, settled my disputes, disagreed with me, but never judged me. She has only loved me through all this time, and so have and do I.
Knowing amrita all this time has taught me a lot. She is this impatient angel, who really is America smart! She is this mature, worldy wise woman who always just has the right thing to tell you, have a conversation to make even when there is nothing to talk, and trust me, i have never seen or heard her shout! She is this epitome of sanity, without whom my life sure would be a chaos!
But this angel has her American side effects too, which i have either learnt to ignore or accept. But i think I rather not dwell on that!
Adjusting and growing to like these new people we turned out to be over the years was not a breeze! But don’t know how or why we managed. We never vowed to be each others best pals, but chose it for our ownselves.  And I am only glad that we did and have, for living a life without her, is impossible for me!
love you so much!:)

August 18, 2010

Still I Rise- Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.

Maya Angelou
(and who could have said it better!

August 11, 2010

Sister Annie

This is something that started off as a letter, and ended up being a poem. I dont know on what address to send it, yet, that is. And so its here!

There is a lady i know,
None other can be so,
Giving, forgiving, Loving, caring,
Opinionated and strong,
Seldom going wrong.

She surrendered herself to her God,
Worships Him in her every breath,
Remembers Him at every test.
A pillar of strength herself,
Willing to come and forever help.

I admire you, Sister Annie,
and love you, so.
You have been like a mother,
A friend, a confidant,
A healer, a teacher,
And so much more.

You believed in me
and my abilities.
You showed me a path of life,
I was completely unaware of .
You  gave me the courage, 
To love the poor, the needy.
You made me grow fat, Sister, insisting that i eat!

You have been, are and always will,
A profound influence in my life.
I could sit and chat with you
for hours, without strife.
Your sweet voice to me 
Was like a cooling medicine,
For so many of my undisclosed tensions.

A dialogue with you soothed and calmed me.
It was almost like spirituality.
I could so connect with you, instantly.

Now that ur gone,
I miss you humongously.
The wonderful times,
The simple life,
An ocean of love,
Where everyone could dive.
I wish one day,
I can do as much for you,
As you have
By simply being you!

August 9, 2010

A boring boring sunday!

Yesterday turned out to be a rather boring Sunday. It happened to be mischief’s birthday(my dog), that is, the day she turned our home into hers. But the poor girl nursed an upset tummy. So no cake, no coke! Ate just bread and milk and as she celebrates each day, slept through and through her birthday too! (though she bothered to sport a nice bow and wanted to go all Indian with a bindi on her forehead! But changed her mind half way through.)
As for me, no celebrations,  work that i didn’t want to do, no deadlines to keep pace with, no shopping as was planned, rain, nothing great to eat, a walk on the same path, same old magazines, not even tired, not even sleepy and even missed mrits call in the morning!
The day was apparently so uneventful, that i have nothing more to write about it! The wind didn’t blow, no one to converse with, even hee-man was missing, experiencing romantic stories somewhere! Huh!
Uff! And no wuff! The dogs though were busy, handing over friendship bands to each other. Lucas a.k.a Ruff and his sister Bubbles( who looks like a deflated version of a bubble!) befriend my Mischief and their neighbour Sherry. Poor chap Lucas was so embarrassed at holding out a hand of friendship to two girls, that he instantly insisted on being rushed home, before his mates caught him in the act! Aww... he’s a darling!  
But, since i was not Lucas’ object of friendship, personally, such days can be quite a nightmare. But looking at the brighter side, I think they should come once in a while. It reminds one of how blissful it is to be busy. How not to crib about the awfully tiring days and happily smile at them wen they come!!
 No wonder they say, busy is easy, and busier is easier.  

August 8, 2010

life, as I see it!

Be brave,be nice,
be bold,be wise,
be the sunshine, brighten up lives,
be someones smile, be an honest reply..
laugh to forget the sighs.. high as the sky..
be fearless, be strong..
be the eye of a storm,
bask in glory, as if its meant to stay..
whn it slips..cherish what was there..
be mature, be aware,
be a child..sometimes despair,
forget, forgive,
but remember to live,
its your life
make it click!!!!

August 7, 2010


Joy Rekhi
(08 May 2001- 25 May 2010)

Chit chatting, I walk, with my
dear companion by my side,
we share the days simple delights,
and over some random things we fight.

On the tracks, I stop for him
He pauses, while I try to keep pace.
He often looks back at me waiting,
While, at times he glides towards me,
As if skating.

We amble usually,
Enjoying the beauty, the
Freedom and the break from duty.
Some nice words I have for him,
Some special songs he sings for me.
Together when the sun sets,
We walk away in each others company.

He is my best buddy,
Always happy to greet me
Be it morning or night
Even minutes without me seem to him
An eternity.

Him, I dearly love, unconditionally,
My dearest dove.
To lift up the curtains and clear the fog,
I declare, my companion is my MOST loved dog!

His name is Joy,
Master in singing, though
Publically shy!
He is friend to all, never disappointing
And happy even in a brawl!

An uncanny sense of humour he sports.
His special ways of thanking ,
Loving his share of biscuits and coats!
Running in his amiable stride,
He is my old time crush, my love, my pride!

He unfailingly woke up nights with me,
While I studied he listened intently.
Love, he does, his share of food,
And trust me, you’l always find
Him in a happy mood.

My lovey dovey lil child he is,
On his cheek, there is always a kiss.
He is a baby not born, but raised by me
He is what I call, my happiness key! 

And now..
Heres to You God
I give You my sweet child
To look after and keep him from crying
Send him back to me one day
To nurture him into another
Flower of May.


Yesterday, without my say,
 there struck at me, a virus,
 catchin me rather unaware.

Soon, before i realised
I sneezed away..
 Oh! In a pitiful plight.
Heat engulfed my body
Spread thru me to create
 within me a scare.

A murky stream flowed
uninterrupted thru my nose,
endless kerchiefs only followed.
Lay in d bed i did, with some pills within me to cure.

Soon in another world i found, myself,
 to health being lured.
Even before i began
to enjoy d feelin,
 came a sneeze, much unappealing.
And woken i was by a thunderous storm,
which chose to flow, from my rather red nose!:(

August 5, 2010

A CTU bus ride

A rather bright day it seems
Right at noon,
When one endlessly waits
For the ill timed state transport bus,
To be arriving anytime soon!

As Hot becomes hotter,
Stray people stray around you,
Some cant keep their eyes to themselves,
While some even bother to smile as if
suggesting some cue!

Far from a distance, a green ,slow shadow
Seems to arrive,
As the crowd runs to stop it,
It reluctantly would oblige.
Though not at ur footstep,
But a lil far off,
Everyone needs some exercise, you see,
Lest it has to carry the load!

A swarm will rush in, some still hanging at the door,
Those who mistook the destination,
(God be with them)
Are screamed at for sure!
They are grumblingly thrown off
While lingeringly nagged, as if its a cure!

Some dutifully que
to pay for their ride,
While others run around
For themselves to hide,
Some assert their rights to seats
And still others who, for a long time,
shall stand to greet.

Once settled for the journey,
The surroundings take notice,
A fat lady would invariably be behind you
To push you at every stoppage.
The olfactory senses get rather stressed
With different smells of sweat,
Some mixed with powder or perfume,
While some, just last nights wet!

If a rather unlucky day it would be,
A fusion one might perceive,
Of hospital, medicines, disease
And  the aroma Indian sweat release!

The monsoon gets the better of us
With muck and dirt inside,
The insistence of the neighbours
To keep the windows tied.
Lest they get all wet, and lashed by the rain.
Oh somebody should tell them
That to suffocate is not sane!

The winters bring on a different hue
Cold, numb, one may rather be sued!
A  creek would somewhere be there
To let the wind strike-
An uncalled for dare!

Though i may crib and cry about the
State transport bus
But am its devout user;
With all the possible fuss!

Id rather be close to reality
Of the people i intend to serve.
Id rather experience their experiences,
Know their hardships a lil more.
Understand when they are late
And not judge them cz of their fate.
Id rather be one of them,
Than be far removed.
Enjoy my airconditioned car rides ,
But be rooted to the roots!


Everytime she goes, my heart worries,
Everytime she comes, i see a different look in her eyes.
She grows everytime.. an inch taller, a few moments more mature
That little girl in her, now only more fuller

I wonder how the years went by, my docile child
Suddenly not so mild.
She is still the same for me, only a little more wise.
i see her sleeping frame, lost in her slumber..
when will she awaken, i wish to feel her around me like a thunder!

Nothing has changed, nothing is the same
She is still that child, only now its just i 
who can recognise.
She hugs me one moment, she shrugs the other
She thinks she is everyones mother!

She is bold, too much i think,
My reflection, how easily that sinks
I love her, she doesn’t know how much
She loves me, i feel it in her touch.

I scream, she listens,
Shes moody and i bear
She is like me, and i like her so
She is a part of me, she came of me
A beautiful miracle, a wonderful link
And this is what i think my mother thinks!