August 5, 2010


Everytime she goes, my heart worries,
Everytime she comes, i see a different look in her eyes.
She grows everytime.. an inch taller, a few moments more mature
That little girl in her, now only more fuller

I wonder how the years went by, my docile child
Suddenly not so mild.
She is still the same for me, only a little more wise.
i see her sleeping frame, lost in her slumber..
when will she awaken, i wish to feel her around me like a thunder!

Nothing has changed, nothing is the same
She is still that child, only now its just i 
who can recognise.
She hugs me one moment, she shrugs the other
She thinks she is everyones mother!

She is bold, too much i think,
My reflection, how easily that sinks
I love her, she doesn’t know how much
She loves me, i feel it in her touch.

I scream, she listens,
Shes moody and i bear
She is like me, and i like her so
She is a part of me, she came of me
A beautiful miracle, a wonderful link
And this is what i think my mother thinks!


  1. I first read dis poem almost an yr bak on a website cald ''.......must say likd it then n still do.....
