December 26, 2010


What a way to spend a Sunday! Gave an exam from morning till evening, and just 15 minutes before it was to get over, i swore at it with all my might. For I was left with so much to finish, so less time and definitely not inclined, towards filing the goddam form for this exam ever again! So I scribbled, scribbled and scribbled some more! And finished it! Hee haw!

Phew! What a stupid way to determine someones destiny!

Anyhow, what a blast from the past this past week has been! Seriously!
Out of the blue, one day, I got a msg from an old friend of mine. Sitting in Mumbai he made it a point to tell me how ‘attractive’ the weather there was at this time of the year! We were together in the initial years of school, in Udhampur and then again in Delhi. We got chatting and getting to know each other after so many years. Sorry, there I should correct myself- its him getting to know me, rather than the other way or ‘both’ way around! So soon he shall be bombarded with a lot of questions about himself! And its surprising and shaming to know how much people remember, and how less I do! I agree that I suffer from a bad memory syndrome, but still.

This fact was highlighted more when I met Bhav in the University after AGES! We were together in the last few years of school and ‘got in touch again’ rather recently. Ended up going to the Univ for some work, madame too was there and then, we met up. Chatted chatted chatted and chatted. She remembered so many things which I didn’t! But yes, I did surprise her with some rather interesting things and incidents that I did! In fact we both had a clear memory of the day when all these guys were over at my place and I cooked for them- South Indian food!! Since it was such a RARE incident, don’t think anything can make me forget it! I was motivated back then, my priorities have conveniently changed now. And thankfully so!

Of course Amrita is in town too. We met up the other day and it was really nice to see her after so many months! Somehow I find it a lil weird talking to her in person than on the phone. Maybe because we are accustomed to gossiping on the phone. But Il be meeting her in a day or two. Looking forward to that. Really!

And then! Came Jeri – the pup Mr. JEsse and RIti (and therefore JERI) saved! Aww..that devil is 11 months now, CANNOT sit still and is awfully cute! All the Medicare oil we showered on him in those trying, dying times of his, has left him with a wonderful wonderful coat! I never thought Il get to meet him, but here he came, visiting his grandparents on Christmas! Aww.. another nice meeting.

But the terrible blast..from the past, was yet to come. I dreamt of some people I would never want to be reminded of, from my earlier days! They haunted my peace and the peaceful sleep, while I sat with them, ‘stuck’ in a conference room, listening to Barak Obama in my dream! Not the most pleasant of all situations. Well there were definitely some missing there, but not that I would want to bump into them, anytime around!

Its weird, how some ghosts from the past visit you sometimes. There is a rush of memories, not necessarily happy, that flood you sometimes.  And all this happens, usually before exams!

How some things remain un-confronted, un-dealt with. And how they refuse to go away from ones memory. How, sometimes, you wish things were more cordial. But then, that is where a bad memory counts. One secret, to a happy life! : )       

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