A new born mother- thats how i feel like these days. Perpetual back ache, always on my toes, lack of sleep, dirty clothes to wash everyday, cooking and a demanding baby to look after and nurse to health!
My Mischief fell terribly ill. Her hind legs just stopped working and within a matter of 5 days, she went from limping to completely immobile. We consulted many a doctors here and did the wise thing of taking her to Ludhiana. She only ended up puzzling all the docs and surgeons there. All her internal organs are working properly, X rays and ultra sounds reveal nothing majorly wrong, except stones in her urinary bladder and an infection in her uterus. But this, the docs say, should in no way result into this condition. Her responses were good and so paralysis too was ruled out. They suspected a muscular disorder and prescribed medicines for a week.
We came back hopeful, but she only deteriorated by the day. The mildly walking Mischief soon became completely bed ridden! And this, when Mischief hates to walk, but LOVES to run! That one week; there was horror, sadness, grief and complete disbelief regarding what was happening. We seemed to be losing her by the day, the reality of which was the most difficult to accept. She is only 6! Some suggested its a nerve related problem, others said that probably a tumour or clot in the brain is causing all this. A happy, playing running child just slipping out of your hands. It hasn’t even been 5 months since Joy left us, and now Mischief? I even had the bizarre thought that maybe its all Joy’s idea!
In a last attempt to save her, we made another trip to Ludhiana, agriculture university, the animal section. It is believed to be the best in North India. The doctors were more perplexed this time to see her in a worse condition. The whole morning went in carrying out the tests and all. But the docs were awfully nice to carry out detailed discussions with each other and then, clearly did explain to us what their strategy was. They accepted that its a hit and trial thing they are doing, hoping that the treatment works cz nothing apparently is still wrong with her. No way to find out about the brain though. So, again, we started back for home, praying that this time, the meds work!
The diet charted out on the way, the medicines bought in spite of the tiredness, and a resolve, with fervent prayers, that Mischief is going to get well this time!
Cooking for my lil angel was taken over by me, my bed spread next to her, baskets emptied to house her medicines and prepared we were, for our journey to health. Slowly and steadily, my girl recovered. Still is recovering. She is now back on her feet and can walk a lil. She wobbles and is very weak, but thats better than being tied to the bed, helpless. She no more has to be picked up, or administered medicine of urine. She just needs help to get up now. but am sure, with the kindness that God has bestowed upon her, she is going to be up, about and kicking soon! Touchwood!
Picking her up and supporting her to walk, gave my back a tough time. And since, madam wants an attendant awake thru the night, my sleep cycle has gone for a six! I try to catch sleep whenever the lady is asleep. And oh! She has forced me to get into the kitchen too! I have to cook for this devil, and then ‘make her’ eat food, cz she is too pampered to eat on her own! One of those reluctant eaters, with whom, the only option is to be a persistent feeder!
But seeing her recover each day, celebrating her recovering health; the back aches, sleep deprivation and all, doesn’t seem to matter. The joy of having her back with us, is just too great! And this newly born mother, likes it that way! :)